


Nymphoides peltata アサザ

en.wikipedia.org みごろ Nymphoides peltata 浅沙 F## Nymphoides peltata flowers are in full bloom in the Osaka Nagai Botanical Garden.*1 The Instagram posts below were made by Prof. Wada, a curator at the Osaka Museum of Natural History. Th…

Sympetrum baccha matutinum コノシメトンボ

ja.wikipedia.org This dragonfly turns completely red when it matures, and has brown spots on the tips of its wings. Its found in Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and their islands. It appears from late June and can be seen until the end …

Sympetrum infuscatum ノシメトンボ

ja.wikipedia.org Dragonfly on a lily bud. It emerges in June and can be seen until late November. みごろ Dragonfly on a lily bud ノシメトンボ female 熨斗目蜻蛉 F## Have a beautiful day.

Actinostemma tenerum Griff ゴキヅル

powo.science.kew.org みごろ*1 Actinostemma tenerum Griff 合器蔓 F## Instagram below was posted by prof. Takeshi W. この投稿をInstagramで見る 和田 岳(@wadat1117)がシェアした投稿 Happy October to all. *1: matsue-hana.com

Motacilla grandis (Juvenile birds) セグロセキレイ幼鳥

en.wikipedia.org とりたん Japanese wagtail セグロセキレイ幼鳥 F## passe une belle journée! :)