de.wikipedia.org Ich wünsche Ihnen einen ruhigen Tag. lugens-Gruppe: M. a. lugens Gloger, 1829 – von der Südküste des Ochotskischen Meeres über Sachalin, das mittlere Kamtschatka und die Kommandeurinseln südwärts bis ins nördliche Korea un…
en.wikipedia.org The varied tit is a wild bird that lives mainly in Japan. Varied tit appeared to be eating moss above the waterfall in Mino Park.*1 Have a nice weekend! :) Varied tit 山雀 F## A tiny grub on a Blue Tit's tongue! Taken in m…
en.wikipedia.org Heart Shaped Angel WingsDon't miss the opportunity to tell someone that you love them today... never stop showing someone what they mean to you. Great Blue Heron pic.twitter.com/zYAuiK9ABN — Louisiana's Paradise (@louisian…
en.wikipedia.org "Uno de los secretos profundos de la vida es que todo lo que realmente vale la pena hacer es lo que hacemos por los demás".Lewis Carroll pic.twitter.com/2qosjUsuFB — literland (@literlandweb1) January 16, 2025 I hope you a…
fr.wikipedia.org La mésange à longue queue est petite et ronde avec un cri unique, elle est donc facile à repérer lorsqu'elle est à proximité. À tous ceux qui sont ici, passez une belle journée. Mésange à longue queue 柄長 F## Mésange à lo…
en.wikipedia.org Hope you have a lovely, peaceful and happy day. :) focha común (Fulica atra) 大鷭 F## The grass is soft, the rain is gentle, and even though it's cold outside, the coots seem to be having fun. この投稿をInstagramで見る 和…
en.wikipedia.org Passer montanusCoccothraustes coccothraustesIl bacio...Italy pic.twitter.com/Oh3VS9E6ta — Dr Surendra Pathak (@drsurendrpathak) November 23, 2021 Hawfinches are winter birds in Japan. Have a peaceful and a great day. :) Ha…
en.wikipedia.org During this time, there are few ducks seen alone or in pairs, and they are often seen in flocks in ponds, where they can be seen circling the center of the pond and eating food on the surface of the water, forming a "feedi…
fr.wikipedia.org Passe une belle journée. :) Sarcelle d'hiver 小鴨 F## La Sarcelle d'hiver est un oiseau migrateur qui vient au Japon en hiver. Découvrez cette adorable vidéo de Sarcelle d'hiver trouvée sur X ci-dessous : Teal (Anas crecca…
en.wikipedia.org Have a peaceful day for all. Fringilla montifringilla アトリ F## While monitoring a germination experiment in a beech forest we were able to watch the migration of a huge group of bramblings (Fringilla montifringilla) . Th…
en.wikipedia.org The colour of the female Pale Thrush lower beak varies depending on the individual.*1 Pale Thrush 白腹 F## Have a peaceful day to all ! botanical-garden.nagai-park.jp *1: woodlice.hatenablog.com
en.wikipedia.org Although there are individual differences, this young female Pale Thrush does not have white spots above its eyes. Turdus pallidus (June photo) 白腹 メス F## However, it seems that females of the Pale Thrush develop white …
en.wikipedia.org Have a calm and peaceful weekend. :) Hypsipetes amaurotis ヒヨドリ F## As you may know, young crows have many whisker-like feathers around the base of their beaks, and the same tendency seems to be true for brown-eared bul…
en.wikipedia.org Have a peaceful day everyone ! Tufted duck pair 金黒羽白 F## What does a Tufted Duck sound like? hattori-ryokuchi.com
en.wikipedia.org Wishing you a peaceful day for all. Smew ミコアイサ F## YouTube and X below you can hear the calls etc.. of the Smew. The Smew, which has just arrived in Japan, tends to travel in groups of females and groups of males, and…
en.wikipedia.org They can often be seen in large parks in Japan. Japanese Wagtail セグロセキレイ F## They can also be seen in well-maintained mountain areas, but they are rarely seen in other places, so it seems that their population in Ja…
en.wikipedia.org Have a wonderful day. :) Common sandpiper イソシギ F## Here are some great posts about Common sandpiper that F## found on X: Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)️❤️ pic.twitter.com/iznjiqejV0 — World birds (@worldbirds32)…
en.wikipedia.org Have a peaceful and calm day to all. :) Herring gull セグロカモメ F## 2分作品 F##らくがき w ねむいときになにげにかくとキモイですね ww ま、いっかw カモメヘビ?w カ藻メ:カモメに藻がはえて亀になるやつ(意味不明なのであと…
en.wikipedia.org It's winter bird season. I hope u all have a wonderful day. :) Aythya ferina ホシハジロ F## Listen to the call of the Common Pochard on YouTube.
en.wikipedia.org Introducing a male Gadwall. Gadwalls are winter birds, so they can be seen in ponds in Japan as early as November, and as late as December. I hope u have a peaceful day. Gadwall オカヨシガモ オス F## In the video below you…
en.wikipedia.org Have a nice day! Larus crassirostris ウミネコ F## Chroicocephalus ridibundus ユリカモメ F## You can hear the cries of the black tailed gulls in the video below.
en.wikipedia.org Kumedaike *1 (Osaka, Japan) is a pond with a history of 1500 years, and the water in the pond is changed regularly in the winter. On a windless, sunny day, it is a quiet pond where you can watch the birds reflected in the …
en.wikipedia.org In this article, we will explain the herons found at Kumeda Pond*1 - the Little Egret, Intermediate Egret, and Great Egret - while comparing them with other birds and highlighting the characteristics of each bird. In addit…
en.wikipedia.org This is a picture of a grey heron at Kumeda Pond*1. The stately grey heron ate a big meal first thing in the morning and spent the whole day resting, while the young grey heron was seen searching for food in the marsh with…
en.wikipedia.org とりたん Platalea leucorodia ヘラサギ F## 大阪はいま紅葉が見頃を迎えています。 ご家族や大切な人と楽しい週末をお過ごし下さいね~! ★ヘラサギの素敵な動画 La espátula común (Platalea leucorodia) es un ave zancuda que habita e…
en.wikipedia.org とりたん Black kite トビ F## You can enjoy the sounds of black kites in the video below. I hope you all have a peaceful and blessed Wed.
en.wikipedia.org とりたん*1 Cygnus columbianus ハクチョウ F## Have a nice weekend to all. *1: ja.wikipedia.org
en.wikipedia.org ¡Espero que tengas un maravilloso fin de semana! とりたん Long-tailed tit 柄長 F## こちらにお越しの皆さま、季節柄あたたくして、たのしい週末をお過ごしくださいね。
fr.wikipedia.org La poule d'eau poule-d'eau et la poule d'eau Juvénile nageant parmi les tiges de lotus chargées de graines. とりたん Gallinule poule-d'eau バン成鳥 F## Adulte :*1plumage noir ardoisé avec du brun sur le dos, lignes blanche…
en.wikipedia.org Wishing you all a peaceful day. Zzz*1 Grey heron 青鷺 F## Its Instagram account of Professor Wada*2. Recommended for students interested in biology! There are lots of interesting topics in Japanese. :) Grey heron just afte…