en.wikipedia.org Happy November. water lilies スイレン属 F## The 76th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures will end in one week, including today. woodlice.hatenablog.com Be sure to enjoy the beautiful autumn days in Nara this year.
The rain cools the air, calms the soul and replenishes life. ~Mike Dolan, 2015*1 みごろ*2 waterlilies 睡蓮 F## ひと月遅れの梅雨入り *1:Rain Quotes https://www.quotegarden.com/weather-rain.html *2: Nymphaea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nym…
みごろ*1 Nymphaea スイレン属 F## passe une bonne journée. :) *1:Nymphaea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nymphaea
みごろ*1 Nymphaea スイレン属 F## *1:大阪市立長居植物園 https://botanical-garden.nagai-park.jp/
さきはじめ*1 waterlilies 睡蓮 F## *1:大阪市立長居植物園 https://botanical-garden.nagai-park.jp/