


Bee (Apis mellifera) セイヨウミツバチ

en.wikipedia.org Japanese honeybees are more active in the afternoon, while European honeybees are more active in the morning, so you can tell which type of bee they are by the time of day. みごろ Bee 西洋蜜蜂 F## It's now the season for e…

Apis mellifera セイヨウミツバチ

#長居植物園 #ヒマワリ pic.twitter.com/xujatcomDA — F## (@Jupiter8retipuJ) August 9, 2024 Honey bee*1 Honey bee 西洋蜜蜂 F## Have a nice weekend! *1:Honey bee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_bee

Happy World Bee Day! 5.20 世界ミツバチの日

You cannot change others or the past.You can change yourself and the future.*1Eric Berne.*2 pretty little pollinators*3 Apis cerana 日本蜜蜂 F## 「ことだま」は世界共通 According to Pliny, AD 77, "It is particularly recommended that the per…

Taraxacum & Honey bee

Fleur d'anniversaire du 3 mai*1 Taraxacum & Honey bee F## C'est une belle saison. Il y a beaucoup d'amour dans la nature. *1: en.wikipedia.org

carpenter bees クマバチ

Xylocopa*1 Una festa per godersi il profumo fragrante con le api carpentiere, Xylocopa クマバチ F## ぶぅぅん *1: en.wikipedia.org