seeds A plant that bears beautiful metallic blue fruit. Have a beautiful day to all. Viburnum tinus トキワガマズミ F## Flowering season: January, February, March, April, November, December Fruit viewing season: October to Novemb…
まんまる graines de pissenlit たんぽぽ F## ぽわぽわ dandelion seed タンポポ F##
ふわふわ*1 Hibiscus makinoi サキシマフヨウの種 F## かわいい種*2 Hibiscus makinoi サキシマフヨウの種 F## *1:Flowers open from autumn to winter, and fluffy seeds appear in spring in Japan. Hibiscus makinoi (Hibiscus makinoii) is a species of…