

Special exhibition info


El Museo de Historia Natural de Osaka celebrará un festival durante dos días, el 16 y el 17 de noviembre. La entrada es gratuita para adultos y niños. Parece que habrá a la venta un montón de artículos maravillosos relacionados con la biol…


woodlice.hatenablog.com I want you to understand that the feelings that have been put into this deep blue lapis lazuli fish are not something we can reach through our imagination. F## 言葉にならない言葉を表現した特別展、それが正倉院展です。…

The 76th Annual Exhibition of Shōsō-in Treasures / 正倉院展

Nara Prefecture is an area where ancient gods live. Beautiful artworks that have stood the test of time for 1300 years are on display for two weeks only, as detailed below. This is a special autumn exhibition that is held at the same time …

Bard 吟遊詩人

en.wikipedia.org Bard with an old-fashioned elegance. so Beautiful.🪕 https://t.co/htv9aKUzAl — F## (@Jupiter8retipuJ) October 30, 2024 音楽の秋!到来です。今ちょうど民博*1特別展でも様々な国のBard鑑賞ができます。*2。会期は2024年9月19日(木)…

40th Anniversary Original Art Exhibition 猫のダヤン原画展

An exhibition of Dayan's original artwork, which I've loved since I was a child, is currently open in Osaka. 猫のダヤン40周年 原画展 ダヤンの不思議な旅 10/11(金)〜10/27(日) 【なんば原画展】開催まで2週間‼️ダヤン40thが大阪上陸猫のダヤン40周…

目次:特別展「ネコ」 おまけ・ミニコラム付:閲覧期限9/23迄
